Reza Ghiasi
Born in 1989 , Nahavand , Iran in a small family.
Born in 1989 , Nahavand , Iran in a small family.
age of 6 started to learn music by Piano and changed to guitar at the age of 10
At first he was learning by his family.
His first music lesson was in 2007 by Mehdi Mohagheghi (Flamenco guitar master).
His first music lesson was in 2007 by Mehdi Mohagheghi (Flamenco guitar master).
2010 , he moved to Malaysia to continue his passion in study
music .
changed his major to Jazz guitar and he had his first lessons by Master Jordan
Rivers ( Malaysian Legend Guitarist).
At the moment he is studying in Contemporary Music in UCSI University.
you would like invite me to your home . . .
To eat : any new tastes
To drink : red wine
, beer
Don’t talk to me about : soccer
After dinner : playing
music , jamming
A book to lend him: any of Anton Cekhov. No philosophical book . ;)
A book to lend him: any of Anton Cekhov. No philosophical book . ;)